90 days into clean eating, shakeology, and T25
The hardest part of change is getting started. My mantra for the past 90 days has been 'just press play'.
When I started my journey 90 days ago I had a few goals:
- lose the baby weight
- improve my mood through regular exercise
- prove to my husband that I wasn't wasting my money
After 90 days here is what happened:
- lost the baby weight....and then some!!!
- exercise is a daily habit, I wake up craving my workout and I am much happier and less stressed as a result
- my husband is a believer...
There were some unexpected results
- signed up to become a beach body coach after being highly motivated by my own coach and my challenge group
- supplement my family income
- shared my journey with my friends and family and in the past 3 months I've helped over 30 others start their own journey to health and fitness
When I look at the side by side progress pictures from the beginning of my journey, I am completely blown away. One of my biggest fears had always been that I would have a baby and lose my body forever. I had seen it happen to so many people.
If you had told my 7 months ago when my son Grayson was born that I would have abs before his first birthday I would have literally laughed in your face.
Abs? Ha! I've never had abs. I was an athlete in high school and have gone to the gym regularly for years. I'm just not designed to have abs...RIGHT?? WRONG!!!
I have a 7 month old...and I have ABS! Don't get me wrong, I don't have a chiseled 6 pack that looks perfect like its been painted on, but I'm telling you, there is definition that I have NEVER seen before.
After completing T25 and one round of the 21 day fix I have seen my body change like it has never before.
I have fully adopted a clean eating diet following the guidelines of the 21 day fix. The portion control makes so much sense to me. It has become a part of my automatic thought process.
The workouts that each program delivers are superior to any gym workout I have ever had. And the best part is, they are less than 30 minutes a day, AND I do them in my own home?! Win Win! I used to shower before the gym, put on my outfit, drive there, take my class for an hour, drive home, shower again, and then start my day! Not an option anymore. Now, I roll out of bed, go downstairs and workout in my pajamas. If I stop to poor myself a glass of water, I'm still looking at 35 minutes from start to finish!
I can't tell you how many times I saw an informercial for T25, insanity, p90x...you name it, and I was always looking at the before and afters and wondering how they got those people to look real, because there was no way the results were real, right? Ha, I'm walking proof that these results are REAL! These programs deliver results.
If you...
- are ready for a change
- are looking for convenience
- are craving accountability
- want to tone up
- want to lose weight
- want help cleaning up your diet
Then please let me help you.
I want to PAY IT FORWARD. I want to help others the way my coach helped me to make these changes.
What are you waiting for?
It's time for your after picture.
Fill out the application below or message me on Facebook to join my next challenge group!
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