Sunday Plan, Prep, and Rest

Sundays are always a day to relax, get ready for the week ahead, and take a minute to be thankful for all the blessings I have.

I always find that when I plan out my meals, do my grocery shopping, and get my food prepped for the week, I am more likely to stay on track with my eating all week...not to mention it eliminates the "What's for Dinner?" argument conversation.

So what does this look like?

sunday plan and prep, meal plan, food prep, sunday, thankful, food, prego, clean eating, clean eating while pregnant
I typically start out by looking at the flyer, perusing pinterest and a few recipe blogs, and referring to my 21 day fix guide (although I'm pregnant, these containers are still my tried and true to maintaining a balanced diet). From there, I create my meal plan and grocery list. 

Once the shopping is done, it's time to prep! 
sunday plan and prep, meal plan, food prep, sunday, thankful, food, prego, clean eating, clean eating while pregnant

sunday plan and prep, meal plan, food prep, sunday, thankful, food, prego, clean eating, clean eating while pregnant

I find that if I cut and portion my veggies, they're more likely to be eaten! 

That's the bulk of the work! I'd like to get into freezing meals ahead of time but I'm just not there yet, so for now, this is my Sunday routine! 

Check out my meal plan here
sunday plan and prep, meal plan, food prep, sunday, thankful, food, prego, clean eating, clean eating while pregnant

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