Healthy Holiday Survival Group

holiday survival, holiday weight loss, 21 day fix, shakeology, accountability group, christmas, new years resolution

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Really. Family gatherings, holiday events, time to enjoy and be thankful for the life we've been blessed to live. 

But so often, we get so caught up in the hustle and bustle that we start making excuses for why we can't make our health a priority- our fitness and nutrition go out the window and are replaced with marathon shopping and cookie swapping! 

So many people use time and money as an excuse to put their health and nutrition on the back burner. 

But, I'm calling YOU out. You do have time, and as for money, you've got that too.  Did that make you laugh? Think of it like this, when you're out shopping, skip that Peppermint Mocha from the Starbucks kiosk! I know busy, I know budget. BUT I've decided to make my health a priority so I find time and I find money! 

If you WANT it, you'll find a way! 

Here's what it takes

1. Desire- How bad do you want it? Why do you want it? When you dig deep into your WHY for improving your health, you'll be more likely to create healthy habits you can sustain over time. 

2. Commitment- Commit to carving out 30 minutes a day to treat your body right, to get moving, and sweat. Commit to making healthy choices, to limiting those treats, and fueling your body properly. Commit to staying on track even when the going gets tough, when you're too tired, when you are busy. 

3. Patience- Be willing to stay the course, to create a lifestyle change rather than a quick fix, to focus on how you feel vs how you look

So, once you get past those excuses, here's how I will help! 

Think of me as your guide by your side, your elf on the shelf, your overall support system! 

holiday survival, holiday weight loss, 21 day fix, shakeology, accountability group, christmas, new years resolution

I'm setting up a 45 day accountability group to get you through the holidays. You'll commit to 30 minutes of daily exercise, balanced nutrition through clean eating and nutrient dense meals, and an online support community with me! 

You'll get-

1. A health and fitness program to match your needs 

2. Daily support and motivation messages from me 

3. A community of support with people who are on the same journey as you

4. Recipes for the holidays

5. Tips for staying on track at holiday parties and cookie swaps

6. Sample meal plans

So what are the requirements to participate in this group, because I know that is what you are thinking!!

1.  You must be a customer of mine on TeamBeachbody, which means that I am assigned as your FREE coach.  If you already have a coach please reach out to the person you work with.  If you do not have an account, complete the application below.

2.  You must commit to a  fitness program and nutrition plan in which we will discuss options that are best for you, your ability level, your time constraints and your needs.  

3.  You must commit to checking into the accountability group daily and reporting progress.

Are you in?  Does this sound like something you would like to do???

I will help YOU end the year strong!!! 


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