Practice Doesn't Make Perfect, It Makes You Better

Quit striving for perfection.

We get so caught up in the way things SHOULD be.

How much we should weigh.

What size we should wear.


When we get so caught up in perfection, we quit. We find ourselves frustrated by the number on the scale, the love handles, the cheat meal we didn't even enjoy.

Life is about the journey. There are so many things we can celebrate along the way, victories, successes, milestones, and even hiccups we learn from.

If you are on a health and fitness journey, focus on NON-SCALE VICTORIES.

Set goals, visualize results, determine the actions that you will need to take to achieve them and practice those actions. THAT will bring you progress, that will bring you closer to success.

If you're looking for motivation and support in your journey toward better health and fitness, contact me to discuss your goals and get set up with a private accountability group with me as your personal coach.

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