How Bad Do You Want It? A Look into Your Journey Toward Health in 2017

health bet, results, body after baby, new years resolution, new year new you, 2017, weight loss

How bad do you want it? 


You scroll Facebook and IG for fitspiration. You read the fitness magazines. You search Pinterest.

But, when it comes down to it, are you willing to take ACTION?

For the past three years, I've been running online fitness and health accountability groups. With hundreds of customers, I can say that the single most thing that gets in someone's way of their goals, is their mental journey.

Purchasing a program, joining the gym, taking a fitness class---those are steps toward your improved well being, but without a shift in mindset- results won't last.

So, what do you do?

I have been working hard at creating a tool that will get you the results you're looking for as long as you follow my guidance!

Three years and a pregnancy later, I'm still committed to my journey, because I've made it part of my mindset.

How do I start?

Join my January Get Lean 2017 group
Participate in the Health Bet (for prize money!)
Get immediate access to my exclusive success guide
Receive 1:1 coaching from me
Commit to an at home workout program and Shakeology
Get results

It's that simple.

What are you waiting for?

What is the Health Bet?
This is the second time Beachbody is sponsoring a Health Bet. The first time was SUCH a success that they decided to do it again. The health bet starts out with a $2 million pot and has the potential to grow to $3 million. Anyone who participates in the group using the app you enroll in through me, will get a portion of the prize pot! How cool is THAT?!

How do I join?
Complete the form below to apply for one of the limited spots I have available. Within 24 hours, I'll contact you so we can discuss your goals and match you up with the program that is best for you. Then, you'll purchase your package so you have it in time for our January Health Bet kick off! The group will run through a unique combination of support from a user friendly app and a private facebook group. You can expect camaraderie, support, and fun!
Fill out my online form.
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