Top Tips for a Healthy Back to School

teachers, healthy teachers, back to school, teachers only

Teaching is one of the most rewarding professions.

You are put in a position to shape the minds of young people each and every day.

So, the most important thing you can do, is take care of yourself.

teachers, healthy teachers, back to school, teachers only

1. Personal Development: You can't pour from an empty cup. Devote time to working on yourself in some way each day.

teachers, healthy teachers, back to school, teachers only

2. Make Fitness a Priority: Having a fitness routine in place is key. Whether you belong to a gym, pound the pavement or rock out to a Beachbody On Demand workout, get your body moving! 
  • Beachbody On Demand: This is the Netflix of fitness, with access to hundreds of workouts, meal plans, nutrition guides and more, that you can do at home or in your classroom! 
  • Walk on your lunch break: Grab a few buddies, keep your sneakers in your closet, and head outside for a brain break. This is a great way to head in the second part of your day refreshed. This would be a great time to have Shakeology since you can drink it while walking! 
  • Bring fitness into the classroom: Brain breaks are necessary when students are sitting for a long time, so take advantage by getting those kiddos moving right along with you! They'll appreciate the brain break and you'll get your endorphins going too! Depending on the age of your students, this could vary from Simon Says to pushups and more! 
  • Rally the troops: You are in an accountability gold mine as teachers. Gather up some friends who want to be fit too. Make a plan to workout after school in your classroom. Move the tables/desks out of the way and press play on a Beachbody on Demand workout. Have a smartboard? Even better!!! Start with one friend and I bet more will join in! Get your workout in together and head home feeling refreshed. 
teachers, healthy teachers, back to school, teachers only

3. Fuel up with nutritious food: Be prepared by packing your lunch and snacks and keeping healthy snacks on hand. 
  • Pack your lunch and snacks everyday. 
  • Buy the ingredients to keep in the teacher's room fridge. Instead of packing your lunch each night, bring your week's worth of food and keep it in the fridge at the beginning of the week.
  • Host a pot luck. Get all the teachers in on a healthy pot luck. Salad bar, soup days, recipe swaps are all good ideas. 
  • Make healthy snacks with your students.
  • Keep healthy snacks in your desk: almonds, apples/oranges, Rx bars, shakeology packets

Being a healthy teacher is not only important for your health, but also for the example you'll set for your students. You have the power to shape the future. What will you do with it? 

Want more accountability? Ready to get started with a health and fitness routine? 
Fill out the application below to join our Teacher's ONLY virtual health and fitness club. 
Gather some colleagues to join with you and earn referral perks! 

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