I Can't Get Results Working Out at Home, Right?...WRONG!!!

So the biggest excuse I hear from people when I talk about my at home workouts is, "I can't workout at home, I don't have the motivation". 

This one REALLY HITS HOME for me because 4 months ago, I would have said the same thing. "I need to go to the gym" "I need someone to tell me what to do" "I need to go to a class, walk in, do what the instructor does, and leave" "I need it to be mindless"


Yes, that's ME! Those are my RESULTS from working out AT HOME, in my living room, 25 minutes a day. Shaun T and T25 got me into the MOST AMAZING SHAPE OF MY LIFE! I've lost 20 lbs...and I didn't leave my house. I didn't have to fight for a parking spot, find a cute outfit (ok, sometimes I did), fight for a spot on the floor, waste time driving to and from the gym...I could LITERALLY ROLL OUT OF BED and PRESS PLAY! I could pop my son in his swing or jumperoo and get my sweat on. 

So why did it work? What changed?

Back in February, after a month of trying to get to the gym with a newborn (hahahahahaha), I started to hear more and more about T25. It was everywhere, infomercials, Facebook friends, you name it.  I messaged a friend who was posting about her results and she told me about her Beachbody coach. She was using a coach and was part of a challenge group. I had never heard of this and even kind of laughed it off at first...a coach, ha, who needs that. 

Well then her coach sent me a friend request so I started to follow her posts.  This girl was MOTIVATED. Each morning I'd log onto Facebook and by 5 am, without fail, she was doing her workout! Well, if she can do it, so can I! So I started to get up and do my workout too! I started to really wonder about this challenge group thing, so finally I messaged her.  She explained the group to me and I was intrigued to say the least.  

"A challenge group is an accountability group. Its a private Facebook group filled with other people completing Beachbody programs and with similar goals to yours.  Everyone logs on each day and rates their workouts and eating. We all keep each other accountable," is what she told me...HMMM...this sounded interesting. 

So I joined her group.  It was amazing. Each day I found myself looking forward to posting about my workout. Asking for advice with my meal plan.  Looking for tips and suggestions, like how much water I should be drinking, how much sugar I should be eating, what a serving size looks like.  

beachbody, results, t25, success, accountabilityI finally had the best of both worlds...
-people cheering me on
-working out
-not missing out on quality time with my son

The challenge groups were the ticket to my success

I was so inspired by these groups that I decided that I wanted to PAY IT FORWARD. I wanted to help others the same way that my coach had helped me. 

It was funny, as much as I liked going to the gym and working out in classes, I always would say "I wish I could follow the trainer around for a day, watch what she eats, see what her day consists of, because I can do the same workouts as her, but I don't have her body..." 

Well, as a coach, you are TRANSPARENT. People see exactly what you're doing, what workouts you're completing, what you're eating...and they can duplicate it to get their own success.  

beachbody, results, t25, success, accountability

So now what's your excuse? 

So, now what is your excuse? I'm telling you, you can get the body you wanted by working out at home. For me, and for most people, its all about accountability. When you commit to a plan and stick to it, you will have results.  

I will tell you that my most successful challengers are those who take FULL ADVANTAGE of the support of the group.  They post their successes, their struggles, their questions, and share what works for them. They lean on me and one another for support and lift one another up as well.  The camaraderie and commitment is what sets apart those with results from those with excuses. 

Are you ready?

Are you ready to make a change? Are you ready to get results? Are you ready to change your lifestyle and get in the best shape of YOUR LIFE?! 

Sign up for a FREE account

Message me on Facebook
Email me @ fitandfulfilled@gmail.com
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YOU CHOOSE! BUT CONTACT ME! I can help you reach your goals just like I have reached mine.  
beachbody, results, t25, success, accountability

To reserve a spot in my next challenge group, fill out the form below. 

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Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.


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