How Beachbody Changed My Life

beachbody coach, work from home, freedom, dream job, stay at home mom

Sundays are usually a day for me to sit and reflect. This morning as I scrolled through my newsfeed, sipped on my lemon water, and watched my little man play, I began to reflect on the changes that have come into my life in the past 14 months as a Beachbody Coach.

When I stumbled upon the opportunity to be a coach a little over a year ago, I did it with a little bit of a giggle in my head.
I literally laughed when I heard that a friend had a coach who was helping her stick with her at home workouts.
First I laughed, then I got curious....I started following my now coach.
beachbody coach, work from home, freedom, dream job, stay at home momAfter a few weeks of following my friend who was having great results with T25 and Shakeology, and her coach who was making money for helping say I was intrigued would be an understatement.
After lots of contemplation (I'm VERY indecisive but impulsive at the same time), lot of pro/con lists, conversations with my coach and conversations with my husband, he finally convinced me to take a leap of faith.
After all, what was the worst that would happen...I'd buy the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack, get a workout, meal plan, and Shakeology and BOOM, I'd be a coach. Worst case...I'd quit!

Well... I didnt I am 14 months later unable to imagine my life without this amazing little side gig I can proudly call my job!

The Physical
When I signed up to be a coach I was almost 3 months post partum and still sporting about 20 unwanted pounds. I was tired. I was emotional. I was flabby.
So first I ordered T25 and started to do it to see if I could actually stick to a program. I'd tried P90X before my wedding and FAILED miserably.
I LOVED it. Shaun T is my boy! We laughed, we cried, we sweat blood and tears...and I lost weight!
beachbody coach, work from home, freedom, dream job, stay at home momThen when I signed up to become a coach I ordered the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology. I was so afraid that I'd hate Shakeology. I made my own green smoothie concoctions but never found a powder that I I opened the bag, blended up a shake, and prayed...well, HOLY MOLY was that stuff GOOD! It became my daily go to breakfast as well as my backup plan when my husband was having ice cream!
In time, through the use of the workouts, 21 Day Fix containers, Shakeology, and the support of being in challenge groups, I lost weight! I had more energy! My mood was better. The flab faded.
I actually ended up weighing 15 lbs LESS than my pre-pregnancy weight and wearing sizes I never had worn before! I was hooked on Beachbody programs. I had to tell the world!

The Emotional
Being a new mom is the most amazing blessing I could ever have experienced. My son is the greatest gift. I look at him each and everyday and marvel at the fact that he's mine! The love I have for him and this bundle set to arrive any day far surpasses anything I ever imagine feeling. one tells you what a tailspin of emotions you feel after having a baby. I was lucky enough to be home with Grayson for 11 months. It was amazing. But, being new to my town, not knowing many people, and it being got lonely! My husband would leave for work and it was just us. Amazing...but at times trying.
Then I became a Beachbody coach and all of a sudden I had a new community of support through my challengers and fellow coaches. Each and every day I plugged into my Facebook community of rockstars. We shared successes, struggles, we made videos, we shared pictures.
I have 'met' some of the most amazing people who uplift and inspire me each and every day.

The Financial
My husband and I were in agreement that I'd stay home for the school year after Grayson was born. We knew it would mean cutting corners but it was important to us. I had family leave, sick days, and disability but after a few months, that ran out...this put a lot of stress on me because I've NEVER been without a job since I was working as a prep cook at age 13.
When I signed up as a beachbody coach, my goal was to cover the cost of my shakeology each month and bring in an extra $100 a month or so.
As I began to share my journey with others I found that I was surpassing those goals!
It was so much fun to see weekly paychecks come in just from sharing my story and motivating others to get healthy.
I've been able to create a steady weekly income and that goal of $100 a month has been met and exceeded!! I'm now able to work only part time in a school and will be taking a leave until October when my daughter is born.

I know that I have so much potential as a coach. I love that inspiring others has helped me to be inspired.
I'm the happiest and healthiest I've ever been.

I want to shout it from the rooftops and let everyone know that finding your passion is possible!
Being stuck in a rut at a stressful job is not the end all be all!

I pride myself on the team that I continue to build. I love being able to share this passion with others, not only to help them meet their health goals, but to meet their financial goals as well.

I'd love to have YOU join my team.
Are you?

Fill out this application to chat with me about what the coaching opportunity can do for you <3
beachbody coach, work from home, freedom, dream job, stay at home mom

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