Refresh Your Body

When the 3 Day Refresh was released many people flocked to it for a quick fix, a fast weight loss, looking at is as a cleanse and trying to compare it to many of the juice cleanses on the market that leave you depleted and hangry!

I've talked about this program for months now and the many benefits that it provides, aside from weight loss. Of course, when I did the refresh last summer I didn't mind the almost 5 lbs that I lost and kept off, but the other results: mental clarity, renewed focus on clean eating, banished bloat...were more important for me.

When a fellow coach approached me about trying to the refresh WITHOUT a plan to lose weight I was excited to get her take on it!

Eveline does not have weight to lose. She is very active, her regimen includes shakeology, clean eating, and daily workouts to either T25, PiYO or the 21 Day Fix. She is happy with her weight but knew that she needed something to refresh her body! So we talked about how she could follow the refresh, add in a few extra meals (clean and vegan to support the program), and still see the other benefits that this amazing system provides.

Here's her review!!!

On day 1 I followed the refresh very strictly and lost weight (3 lbs) by the morning of day 2. So what I did for day 2 & 3 is I added a dinner option to my lunch (I had two dinner options every day). This helped me gain back a little bit of weight and I maintained it through the rest of the refresh. On day 1 I did light yoga, on day 2 I stretched and day 3 I took a rest day in terms of activity. I didn't want to burn additional calories if not necessary.  
I did this to reset my system. Once done with the refresh, I felt great and noticed significant improvement in my overall being. I have maintained much of the eating habits (although many more calories obviously) and overall desire for healthy options is kind of amazing. I used to graze (off the kids plates), eat a jelly bean here and a cookie there... not any more. 

3 day refresh, reset your diet, results,

If you're interested in resetting your body, getting back on track with your eating, and feeling better overall then the refresh is for you!

Contact me via email: for more information




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