Shake It!! Get ready to shake your booty with me!

shaun t, cize, workout, weight loss, body after baby, zumba, dance, eat clean, fit moms, healthy, support dance fitness, dance


Try dancing and not smiling…I mean seriously, in a bad mood? Dance! 
I have always loved to dance. As a kid I took every dance class that was offered, even Hawaiian! 
My BFF and I would choreograph dances almost every day and put on performances for our dolls. 
Some of my favorite moves? Roger rabbit, running man…haha! 
And now almost every day, my toddler and I have dance time! 

So when I found out that I could dance—
with Shaun T
in my own home
for exercise…
well, you can imagine my reaction!!!

CIZE is coming! Next week Cize will be launching and I’ll be kicking it off with a live workout with Shaun T in Nashville, no big deal…NOT!

Anyway, so since I’ll be so pumped up I’m planning to kick off my first official CIZE test group on July 27th and YOU can join me!!!

So here are the CIZE details …

4 weeks
30-40 minutes per day
2 different workout schedules to fit your needs
In each routine, Shaun breaks down the moves step-by-step, and builds them into a full dance sequence in just 35-40 minutes. So, while you are mastering the dance moves, you’ll also be burning fat and calories. And it’s all choreographed to the latest pop music to keep you energized and moving, so you’ll get a great workout while learning the kinds of dance moves you see in music videos and on dance shows. Stick with Shaun T and you’ll be dancing from Day One!

Who is this program for? 

  • anyone who loves to dance … no matter your age
  • anyone who can’t dance, but wants to learn
  • anyone who wants a great workout, but doesn’t want to feel like their working out
  • anyone who wants their workout to be fun
  • anyone who loves Zumba
  • anyone who loves hip hop
  • anyone who loves Jazzercise
  • anyone who loves Shaun T

Truly, Cize is for everyone. Whether you’re an experienced dancer or a beginner, there is something for you in this program. It’s a great way to get your workout in, without ever leaving your home and without feeling like you’ve worked out.

What is the nutrition? 

shaun t, cize, workout, weight loss, body after baby, zumba, dance, eat clean, fit moms, healthy, support dance fitness, dance

Then there’s nutrition, as with all beachbody programs, Cize will have a nutrition plan! SCORE! 
Best part??? It follows along with my favorite nutrition secret weapon...the 21 Day Fix! It's compatible with the color coded portion control containers. Its a super simple way to ease into clean eating without the guesswork. 

How can I be part of your Cize Test Group?

Follow this link to join my group and get all the exclusive deets as I get them next week!! I'll update the page as I get information while Im at Summit in Nashville. Then our group will launch at the end of the month. We'll go through the entire program together! I'm planning for a super fun group, complete with mini challenges and giveaways!


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Follow this link ------------>

So, if you’re ready to boost your mood, get in shape, and brush off your dance skills, join me!!!


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