Summit Recap: I Feel Alive, Fit, and Fulfilled! ent off at 5 am and I headed over to Music City Center to shake my booty with Shaun T for a CIZE workout. HOLY MOLY! Let me tell you, it's never too early to dance to Salt n Pepa, right?! Shaun T is even more amazing in person. coach summit 2015, beachbody coach, work from home, work from home mom

Coach Summit 2016: Nashville, TN

coach summit 2015, beachbody coach, work from home, work from home mom, 21 day fix, cize, autumn calabrese, shaun T


In a word, that's how Summit 2016 left me feeling. Coaching is something I'm so passionate about. It fills my cup. Every bit of it. The way it keeps me on track with my own health, the way I get to inspire and motivate others, the way I'm able to build a business to support my family, the way I'm able to help others build a business, the friendships and bonds I've formed...every...single...part of it!

coach summit 2015, beachbody coach, work from home, work from home mom, 21 day fix, autumn calabrese, cize

This year I decided to go to Coach Summit 2 weeks before the big event! I struggled.  I knew I wanted to be there. I knew I had to be there. I knew I had to do it for me. But...Emmy is just 8 weeks old and she and Grayson are my world. It's hard to imagine a minute without them, let alone 4 days. So I sat and thought and debated and asked for advice. And finally, I made the decision to go. As a forever homesick kid (the kind who threw up on sleeovers because I missed my mom), it was a hard pill to swallow but in the end I knew it would be worth it.

Well, it was, and then some.

Alive. I'll go back to that. From the second my cab pulled into the city of Nashville, I knew I 'd made the right choice. I sat in the back of that cab peering out the windows. First I saw the billboards advertising Summit, then I saw the masses of people walking the streets in yoga pants, nikes, and beachbody swag and it hit me! I was surrounded by my peeps! Nashville had no idea what was coming!

coach summit 2015, beachbody coach, work from home, work from home mom, 21 day fix, autumn calabrese

The cab driver dropped me off at the Renaissance hotel where I was staying and as soon as I walked through the doors I was greeted with smiles and hugs from so many friends I'd never met, but had been talking to every day via Facebook. We'd masterminded, vented, collaborated, cheered each other on for months and now we finally had the chance to meet and it was as if we'd been friends forever.

I arrived on Thursday and immediately jumped into training at the Dream Team Recipe for Success where I got to listen to 10 top coaches on my team share their experiences. From there I headed to a cocktail party to catch up with my coach and the rest of the team.

Next up was my first live workout of the trip. I worked out with Autumn Calabrese, the creator of the 21 Day Fix, and she kicked our butts!

coach summit 2015, beachbody coach, work from home, work from home mom, 21 day fix, cize, autumn calabrese

That night we headed to LP field (yes Beachbody took over the football stadium) where I was recognized on stage for being a 2 Star Diamond Coach. The energy in the stadium was empowering!

Friday morning, my alarm went off at 5 am and I headed over to Music City Center to shake my booty with Shaun T for a CIZE workout. HOLY MOLY! Let me tell you, it's never too early to dance to Salt n Pepa, right?! Shaun T is even more amazing in person.  
coach summit 2015, beachbody coach, work from home, work from home mom

The rest of the day, we attended workshops hosted by top coaches, and heard from Chalene Johnson and Simon Sinek. Then we rounded out the night with two parties, listening to a live performance by the Locash Cowboys, eating yummy food, sipping on some cocktails and shmoozing with the celeb trainers!  (PINCH ME)
coach summit 2015, beachbody coach, work from home, work from home mom

Saturday was our last day and we started it off with a Super Workout. Broadway was shut down and filled with over 20,000 people up at 6 am for a workout in the street. Then we continued on with trainings and finished the night with a celebration for my coach, #1 in the company.

coach summit 2015, beachbody coach, work from home, work from home mom

The entire time I was there, I knew I'd made the right decision. The stars truly aligned when I found this coaching opportunity.  For years I've said, I know there is something out there that I'm meant to do, and now I've found it.

Being a coach is my hobby, its my passion, and its an opportunity that provides an income for my family. Because of coaching I'm able to be happy, healthy, and present.

Being at Summit got me thinking, if I'd never found the opportunity to be a coach and build this business, I'd be in such a different place in my life.

So now, I feel compelled to share it with others.

I'm opening up a group to personally mentor 5 new coaches this month. I'll give you the same tools I was given to create a successful business from home. If you could use an extra boost to your monthly income, fill out the application below so we can decide if coaching is right for you.

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