How Clean Eating and Shakeology Changed My Life and It Can Change Yours Too! 

For the longest time, I had my workouts in check- between classes at the gym, bike rides, walks, runs…you name it. I was working my butt off. But for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t seeing the results I longed for. I remember meeting with a trainer and saying that my goal was to have sculpted arms. She showed me a few moves but ultimately said, it wasn’t going to I kept doing my classes and staying active, but accepted the fact that I wasn’t going to see the tone I longed for.

At the same time, I was experiencing digestion issues and I was constantly fatigued. Every doctor I went to ran tests, every test under the sun…no one had an answer….aside from some form of a pill that is.

Why hadn’t anyone thought to talk to me about the role nutrition played? 

Not one doctor or fitness person mentioned to me that what I was eating could be contributing or hindering the results I was seeing. 

Well, since then I’ve learned that nutrition does play a role…in fact, it plays a HUGE role. If your nutrition is not in check, you can work your butt off burning calories, but you’re not going to change your body, truly see the results you long for, and you’re not going to feel your best.  You have to properly fuel your body if you want it to run at maximum performance. 

So what has changed?

Back in February I was 3 months postpartum, had an infant to take care of, was low on energy and my self esteem was dipping.  That’s when I joined a beachbody challenge group, became a coach, and started to learn how to eat clean and incorporate shakeology into my regimen. 

I’ve researched clean eating, gotten support from my coach and fellow challengers, tried new recipes, and changed my habits. 

Now, I feel great. When I look at pictures, I see that arm tone I was told I wouldn’t have. I have literally not had a single digestive issue since starting to drink shakeology, and when I stop eating clean I feel my body working extra hard to process the crap food (fuel) I give it.  

So, how can YOU LEARN from MY MISTAKES? 

I have developed a clean eating curriculum to help you learn how to eat properly. Starting new eating habits can be stressful so I’ve taken the guess work out of it for you.  I am running a 30 day clean eating group.  We’ll share recipes, create meal plans, talk about food choices, learn portions, and more.  When you combine clean eating, shakeology, and exercise….you’ve got a RECIPE FOR SUCCESS! 

So what are you waiting for??? Are you ready to look and feel your best?! Are you ready to beat those ailments, change your body and your mind? 

Join my next clean eating group.  Apply for a spot by completing the form below.  

I’d like to keep the group small so that its very productive so I’m only looking for people who are committed and serious about making a change! 
Fill out my online form.
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