Dare to Dream in 2015: Hairy Scary Goal Setting

I've sat down to write this post multiple times this week only to stare at a blank screen, shut the computer, and walk away....

Why? I'm not sure! Writing goals is SCARY, making them measurable, setting a date, SCARIER....Sharing them....HAIRY SCARY!!!!

BUT...I've committed to myself that my motto for the New Year will be DARE TO DREAM IN 2015! So here goes

Almost one year ago, I took a leap of faith and signed up to be a Beachbody coach.  I knew very little about coaching, hadn't completed a Beachbody program in entirety, and had a newborn...was I nuts? Well, maybe, but the thing is, I had a feeling, and when I have a feeling, I go with it!

So here I am, almost one year into my coaching career....what's happened?

  • I've finished 3 programs in entirety---T25 (alpha, beta, gamma), 21 Day Fix, and Piyo
  • I'm in THE BEST shape of my life
  • I've changed my eating habits
  • I've helped over 100 people on their health and fitness journey
  • I've mentored 10 people to become coaches and begin to build a business
  • I've made COUNTLESS friends
  • I've gained a network of support
  • I've supplemented our income so that I only work Part Time as a basic skills teacher
  • I'm having a very healthy pregnancy
So looking back, I've had a kickass year. So when I sat down to set my new goals, I knew I had to DREAM BIG....as scary as it is! 

When I started to think about my goals, I dug into my WHY for coaching
  • improve my health
  • inspire others
  • provide an additional income for my family and eventually stay home full time
So the goals I set are those that will support my why, support me as a mom, wife, and business woman. 

So here they are!
goals, goal setting, dream big, new year new you, scary goals, get fit, get healthy, change your life, beachbody, beachbody coach, work from home, WAHM, SAHM

I'm FULLY committed to my work as a Beachbody coach.  I wake up each day with such a fire in my belly, a desire to help others improve their lives, physically, mentally, and emotionally just as I have in the past year. 

Do you set goals? Do you DARE TO DREAM? 

I'm setting myself up for SUCCESS and I'd love to have you join me! 

goals, goal setting, dream big, new year new you, scary goals, get fit, get healthy, change your life, beachbody, beachbody coach, work from home, WAHM, SAHM

In January, to kick off my mission, I'm starting a New Year, New You Fitness and Health Accountability Group as well as a Coach Training Group. I'm looking for 5 people to add to each group. If this is something that interests you, please fill out the application below or send an email to me @fitandfulfilled@gmail.com

Yours in health and happiness, 

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