New Year, New You: Health and Fitness Accountability Group

new year new you, new years resolution, weightloss, accountability, beachbody, fitness, health, clean eating

New Years Resolutions...they come in many capacities, but most people make a resolution to start the year anew. Whether it's to become a better person on the inside or outside, we all aim to we should!

It probably doesn't surprise you to know that the NUMBER ONE RESOLUTION is to lose weight.
But what may surprise you, is that ONLY 8% of people are SUCCESSFUL in achieving their resolution...that's NUTS!

new year new you, new years resolution, weightloss, accountability, beachbody, fitness, health, clean eatingIf you're a gym goer, you've seen what happens...January 1st, the gym is PACKED! You struggle to find a spot in the parking lot, a spot in your favorite class, a free treadmill or machine...then something magical happens, little by little, there is more space available, until about February 1st
when things return to normal.

I have been on both sides of the fence...I've been the newcomer at the gym January 1st and I've also been the faithful member annoyed by the I'm happy to be somewhere else...HOME! Not sitting on my butt eating bon bons in front of the TV, I've found a new solution.

Last year, like MOST AMERICANS, I set out on a New Years Resolution to improve my health!  I have always LOVED the gym, classes specifically. I love walking in, standing in a spot, and working my butt off for an hour. LOVE LOVE LOVE. So I knew, I wanted to go the route of fitness to get back in pre-baby shape.

But there was a problem. I had a 2 month was cold...he was tiny...we weren't getting to the gym.

So what was the solution?

I purchased T25 and shakeology, loaded up my DVD player, plugged into an accountability group via Facebook, and never looked back. SERIOUSLY.

Now ONE YEAR LATER, I can say I beat the statistic, I'm one of the 8% who stuck to my resolution and made a lifestyle change.

So why was this different?

The accountability group that I plugged into via Facebook was through my Beachbody Coach. She set up a private group filled with other people also on a quest to improve their health. Each day she posted tips, advice, recipes, etc. and we committed to checking in each day, reading/responding to her posts, and rating our own day: how we ate, if we worked out, if we drank our shake, if we stayed on track.

new year new you, new years resolution, weightloss, accountability, beachbody, fitness, health, clean eatingI could easily have checked out of the group, turned off my notifications, and went back to Bon Bons on the couch, but something was different. I was part of a COMMUNITY. I made friends in the group. We checked in on each other. We supported each other. We shared our struggles AND our successes. WE KEPT EACH OTHER ACCOUNTABLE. And we were inspired to keep going. No matter how tough it was!

So now, here I am, one year later, 5 months pregnant, but in great shape. I am still plugged into the groups, only now I RUN THEM! I commit to my workout 5 days a week, plan my clean meals, drink my shakeology each day, and I am better for doing so.

So where does that leave me and a New Years Resolution for 2015??

I resolve to PAY IT FORWARD and help 10 people make the change that I made one year ago. So, I'm inviting YOU to join my NEW YEAR, NEW YOU Accountability Group starting January 5. Who knows, maybe next year, you'll be in my shoes! (minus the pregnancy, ha!)

If you are ready to make a change, to be a part of the 8% who SUCCEED, fill out the application below and together we'll work to develop a plan!

Fill out my online form.
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