Busy Moms Build a Business

Before Picture
Looking back one year ago, I never would have thought I'd be where I am today...just over a year ago, I was 4 months postpartum, carrying an extra 25 lbs, and in a panic over going back to work full time and leaving my beautiful baby. I was a bit of a wreck.

I knew that working out helped to keep my emotions in check, but I couldn't get to the gym. So instead, I sat on the couch, watching infomercials for workouts and googling 'work from home opportunities'. I was desperate, in many ways!  After hours of watching the T25 informercial for Shaun T's 25 minute workout, opportunity knocked in the form of my coach Melanie, and the rest is history.

I had been scrolling through Facebook and saw a friend post her transformation pictures from T25. I was blown away! I had seen the results on the infomercial but this was REAL! Someone I knew. I reached out to her about her progress and through her, I was connected with my coach Melanie. For a few weeks I started following Melanie and learned her story. She was a mom, like me, a former teacher, like me, who wanted to get in shape, like me, and stay home, like me!!! Each day I followed her posts on Facebook and I was motivated to get my butt in shape.

I started to realize that much of what she was doing as a Beachbody coach, I could do! So I was eager to learn more!

I reached out to Melanie, listened to a Coach Opportunity call, and the rest is history.

I had no idea where coaching would take me, but Melanie assured me, that there were no obligations, no expectations, no huge buy in investment! I purchased the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack, started drinking shakeology and followed Melanie's training and just like that, Chrisanthi Finn, Beachbody Coach, was born!

I was instantly hooked! I was having my own transformation and through just sharing my journey with others, they wanted to join me! People came out of the woodwork to join me in my weight loss journey, people I hadn't heard from in years were telling me that I had INSPIRED them to get healthy! What an amazing feeling. I had found my passion! 

stay at home mom, work from home, beachbody transformation, love your job
My Transformation

And it was as simple as that. I learned how to manage my time as a coach, to work through a 'power hour' to build my business. I was given all the tools I needed to become successful. I was plugged into networks of people, I made friends,  and just like that, I was out of my rut! I got my confidence back and had a smile on my face to match the love in my heart! 

Challenger Turned Coach: Transformation

I was able to take the remainder of the school year off and build a business from my dining room table, with my infant nearby! I had no expectations, I was going in blind, but I was determined to help myself and others! I had the drive and the passion to make the business work, on my terms, in my time! 

So what did I do? 

I started out very simply, just by sharing my story on Facebook. I talked about my workouts, my journey to lose the baby weight, my ability to workout and eat clean despite the craziness that comes with being a new mom. I shared my workouts, my recipes, and tips and tricks that were working for me. I put myself out there in a way I never imagined doing, and as a result, people were inspired! 

I absolutely LOVED coaching! I smiled from ear to ear when I talked about it (still do), I gushed to my husband each day about how much I loved this new endeavor. The more challenge groups I ran, the more people I connected with, the more transformations I got to witness, I was hooked! 

stay at home mom, work from home, beachbody transformation, love your job

For years I had said I needed a hobby and for once I had found one! I was able to connect with other people all over the country on a daily basis without leaving my home and I was filling a void! 

stay at home mom, work from home, beachbody transformation, love your job
After Picture

So what does this mean for you?

As time went on, I was able to see the true potential this business has to offer. I feel compelled to share it with as many people as possible. From my own living room, I have been able to supplement our income so that I haven't had to go back to work full time. 

I was given the tools and training to be successful. I am plugged into the #1 team in the company, so I have the BEST resources at my disposal and I'm ready to share them with YOU! 

Sneak Peek

I am running a 3 Day Sneak Peek from February 23rd-25th into what I do as a coach and why I love it so much. You'll hear from me as well as several top coaches in the organization about how you can make this business work for you. Despite your hectic schedule, you can run a business and create a life by design. 

Coach Opportunity Call

I am also going to host a Coach Opportunity Call on Tuesday February 24th. I'll provide the basic information about coaching. 

I'm looking for motivated and driven people to join me on this journey. I'm looking for the stay at home or working mom who juggles it all but still feels like something is missing. Maybe she's looking for an accountability piece for her own health and fitness, or maybe she has a passion for health and fitness and she wants to share it. 


Once you make the decision to be a coach, I'll add you to my Coach Apprentice group starting March 2nd. I'll provide you with daily tips and tools to build your business successfully. I am going to personally mentor a small group of women through a closed online group, 1:1 calls, weekly team calls, and daily interactions to start laying the foundation for a successful business. 

Does this sound like something you would like to do?  Then I invite you to join my team!  If you would like more information about coaching on my team then please complete the application below and I will contact you personally in the next 24 hours about your application!

I am only accepting a limited number of new coaches so please don't delay your response!  

Fill out my online form.
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