Abs Are Made in the Kitchen! Clean Eating and Shakeolgy 30 Days Success Group

IT'S COMING, IT'S COMING!!! Do you guys realize that next week we set the clocks ahead!?! That means warmer, sunnier days are ahead...
Bring on the tank tops, shorts, dresses, etc. 
But wait!!! Have you been eating like you're in hibernation?! I've definitely fallen victim to the long, cold, dark, snowy winter days on more than one occasion, and while my workouts are ON POINT, my nutrition has been missing the target a bit. 
SO....as I set my clocks ahead, I'm also resetting my nutrition! 
I know that when I give birth in May it's going to be full speed ahead, so I'm planning to set myself up for success now!

It's a fact that ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN, so for this group, that will be our focus! 
Clean eating
Focused nutrition
Portion control
Meal planning
1:1 Support

Let's do some internal SPRING CLEANING and set ourselves up for success! 
Who's with me!?


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