Making Time for Your Workouts: Just Do It

postpartum fitness, busy mom, moms who workout, quick workouts, no excuses,

So many people often say to me, I don't know how you do it, I don't know how you find the time and motivation to workout almost every day.

Here's my response----I just DO.

I know, it sounds like a simple answer, almost like I'm blowing them off...but the truth it, I'm busy. We all are, right? Whether you're a mom, a wife, a single person, a teacher, a nurse, a waitress...we all have STUFF and that stuff can easily be used as an excuses.

But here's the deal. When you want it, you can have it. You can always find time.

My workouts take up 25-30 minutes of my day and when I think of it that way, I know I have no excuse.

I choose to do my workouts first thing in the morning. Yes, I sacrifice a little bit of sleep, but I do that because I know the reward is limitless. I end up having more energy from the workout than I would from an extra 25 minutes of sleep. I start my day happier. I walk around feeling stronger and more confident.

Do you have to workout in the morning? NO! The right time to workout is when it works for you. Sneak it in while your kids nap, do it while you listen to a podcast or while you listen to music. Do it before dinner or after....but just DO it!

I run around each and everyday doing the mundane day to day tasks. I take care of my kids, my house, my husband....but my workout is my time for ME!

I've decided Im worth it.

How did I become the mom that works out? The fit mom who can carry her infant and toddler while doing a dance, getting dinner ready, changing the laundry...?

Simple...I just did...because I wanted to. Because my health is important and my workouts are my cure for what ails me, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

If you'd like more motivation from me on your journey to achieving your health and fitness goals, fill out the application below to talk with me and join my online accountability group

postpartum fitness, busy mom, moms who workout, quick workouts, no excuses,

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