Focus on the Good, Control the Controllable, and Let it Go

Do you ever get so caught up in working for what you want, that you stop and think, and realize that you're missing out on the good that's right in front of you?

Today's Monday Mindset challenges you (and me) to stop, take a deep breath, focus on the good, control the controllable, and let it go. As the saying goes, pray more and worry less.  I think that whether or not you are religious, this saying can speak to you.

let it go, focus on the good, stay positive, pray more worry less, no worries, work from home, stay at home mom, body after baby, monday mindset, positive vibes

I challenge you to stop. Stop worrying. Stop over analyzing. Stop leaving yourself paralyzed in the thoughts of what ifs and the preparation of what's to come.

Enjoy each day. Find joy in each moment. Hold on to the small things, because they are in fact the big things...the extra minutes of time in the tub before tucking them in to bed, the occasional slip up in manners, the spontaneous naps on the couch, the messy toys filling the room, the splurge...whatever it is...don't get so caught up that you miss what's in front of you.

let it go, focus on the good, stay positive, pray more worry less, no worries, work from home, stay at home mom, body after baby, monday mindset, positive vibes

Here are some things I'll be doing to lessen my anxiety and worrisome thoughts this week.

1. End each day by listing one thing I'm grateful for and one thing that made me smile
2. Writing down my dreams
3. Writing down my fears
4. Starting the day with personal development
5. Sticking to my to do list

I'd love to hear how you manage your stress, focus on the good and let the rest go.



let it go, focus on the good, stay positive, pray more worry less, no worries, work from home, stay at home mom, body after baby, monday mindset, positive vibes


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