How to Launch a Successful at Home Business as a Beachbody Coach

Being a mom has given my life purpose in so many ways. But after I had my son, I knew there was more. I knew I could DO more, BE more, HELP more.

We all have a purpose in this life. Each of us have experiences that shape our story. We can choose to use that story to make a difference. We can dream big and use our reality to make an impact on the lives of others. And in the process, live a life that is fulfilled.

That's my focus, that's my mission.

Freedom, fulfillment, happiness, purpose, time, energy...who doesn't crave each of these things?  I know I do! I have always been the type to seek more...I'd look for a hobby, take a new class, volunteer for a committee. But in the end, I always felt like I was missing something.


Did you ever take one of those career analysis tests? Like, you're not sure what career path you should take, so you fill out a survey and it tells you what would be a good fit?

Well, mine told me I should be a firefighter...don't get me wrong, its a NOBLE profession...but needless to say, you wont see me suiting up anytime soon.

At the time, I laughed it off, rolled my eyes and went back to the drawing board (aka google). I found a profession as a teacher, a tutor, a waitress, a fee collector for the National Park Service, a babysitter, prep cook, you name it...

But still----something was missing.

Fast forward, I got married, had my first baby, and stumbled upon an opportunity to help others live healthier lives. The Beachbody Coaching opportunity LITERALLY fell into my lap when I was scrolling Facebook while sitting up for a middle of the night feeding with my infant. I read a blog post JUST like this one. I read about a mom who was searching for a greater purpose AND a way to earn an income from home so she could maximize her time home with her babies.

And it clicked---I could DO THIS! I could earn some cash, get in shape, help my friends get in shape, and spend more time with my baby. No brainer....

Little did I know, this opportunity was my life PURPOSE. It was my way to share my STORY, it was my way to make an IMPACT.

Two years later...
-hundreds of clients
-a growing team
-a growing income
-trips to California and the Caribbean
-pounds lost
-confidence gained

Now the firefighter thing makes sense....No, I'm not volunteering for the local fire department...but I am SERVING others! I'm changing lives---you may say saving them...

My team is growing. We are in the top 1% of the company and trending to continue that growth.
Our success is built on
-the power of duplication

On the first Monday of the month I will be launching a brand new system for training the new coaches to join Team Fit and Fulfilled.

You can expect one on one support, weekly calls, video trainings and simple steps for launching a successful business.

If you are passionate about helping others while creating freedom for yourself, fill out the application below to secure a spot in our training.

Fill out my online form.
There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.


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