Too busy to get fit? Here's your answer!

If you're anything like me, life is go go go from the time your alarm goes off in the morning until your head hits the pillow at night.

So I get it. I get the excuses for not working out and not eating healthy...BUT, now I'm calling your bluff.

 Ever heard of P90X? Tony Horton? Well, the mastermind trainer who has been the brains and brawn behind millions of transformation stories is at it again. But this time, he's the drill sergeant who is going to get in your face for just 22 minutes each day.

 I LOVE my workouts, but I'm totally busy, so to see that I can get RIPPED in 22 minutes a day, has me giddy! Back in January I took a trip to LA for a Beachbody New Leader Conference and I got to workout with Tony. For 22 minutes he was barking out "1,2" in his best drill sergeant accent. By the end, I was DRENCHED in sweat, chugging water, and ready for more! 22 Minute Hard Corps was just released to the public on March 1.

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The results from the test group participants are jaw dropping.

22 minute hard corps results, 22 minute hard corps, tony horton, p90x, body after baby, busy mom workout, abs

Here's what you can expect.

What is 22 Minute Hard Corps? 
22 Minute Hard Corps is a no-nonsense, 8-week boot camp style workout program designed to deliver epic results. Created by legendary trainer Tony Horton, 22 Minute Hard Corps offers 8 total-body cardio, resistance, and core routines for getting in shape in minimal time.

Who should buy the program? 
Anyone looking to buy a comprehensive, total-body fitness program without overly complex moves. It's ideal for those who prefer shorter workouts such as P90X3 and T25; those looking for a more challenging, intermediate level workout after completing P90 or 21 Day Fix; and those who are not ready for an extreme fitness program.
Anyone who craves a simple, flexible nutrition plan to help them reach their goals should try 22 Minute Hard Corps.

 22 Minute Hard Corps is a shorter, intermediate level program that has total body routines to improve overall fitness. It is inspired by the tried and true methods of boot camp fitness programs and uses a military-style cadence to provide an intense workout in only 22 minutes.

Just like all beachbody programs, this one comes with a nutrition plan that perfectly aligns with the workouts. It is simplified and based on clean eating and portion control. Pair the workouts, nutrition plan and shakeology along with the support of ME as your coach, and you're destined for success!

Let's do this together. Join me in my online accountability group as you complete this program. I'll be there every step of the way to help you set goals and crush them!

Apply below to save your spot in my group.

If you already have a coach you are working with, please reach out to them to see what groups they are running.

Fill out my online form.
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