Healthy Easter Activities

easter, healthy easter, easter activities, bikini body, beachbody, get fit, spring

Ya know, right smack in the middle of our Operation Bikini Body mission comes Easter! Those pesky little Cadbury eggs, peeps, and chocolate bunnies seem to be calling our name! Sticking to nutrition and finding healthy alternatives are two key strategies for survival, but what more can you do to keep yourself on track this Easter? 

easter, healthy easter, easter activities, bikini body, beachbody, get fit, spring

 I came across this article with suggestions for making an exercise themed egg hunt and I LOVED it! I can just imagine getting a group of my fit friends together to do this! 

easter, healthy easter, easter activities, bikini body, beachbody, get fit, spring

This got me thinking..what else? 
Get the kids involved---hop like a bunny, roll like an egg (somersault), flap like a chick. 
Relay races---wearing a big Easter bonnet, carrying an egg on a spoon! 

Spring is the perfect time to get outdoors and be active. 

What else will you do this Easter to stay fit? 

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