Developing a Fulfillment Mindset: My Top Book Recommendations

gratitude journal, personal development, fulfillment, self help books, mindset

Living a fulfilled life is my passion. It's what I practice and preach!

When I discovered the daily practice of Personal Development, my life changed completely.

So as a team leader, I strongly suggest that personal development is a daily business activity.

But after working with people on their health and fitness goals, and discovering the strong importance of a healthy mindset, I decided I'd put together a list of recommendations for those who are not necessarily building a business with me, but share my mission for happiness and fulfillment.

1. You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero: This is my all time fave. Whenever I'm getting down on myself or allowing the world to get inside my head, I bust open this bright yellow bible of confidence and get an instant boost.

2. Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist If you're anything like me, you want everything to be perfect---on time, tidy, smooth running, happy....and you sometimes find yourself so caught up in the quest for perfect, that you forget to be present. If you can relate, check this one out!

3. Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins: If you're unfamiliar with Tony Robbins, check him out! He has the power to help you change your thinking and change your life. I like to listen to this one on audio because his tone is powerful. After attending his Unleash the Power Within event, I was changed! You can also check him out on Netflix or download his podcast

4. The Chalene Show by Chalene Johnson: This is a podcast and it was my saving grace when I was commuting to a job that I loathed! I'd pump this on full blast in the car to and from work to allow me to stay confident and courageous.

5. Gratitude Journal. I recently ordered a gratitude journal on Amazon and it's my favorite way to start my day. Each entry has a prayer and a space for you to write, and its an adult coloring book!

6. The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon. Holy Canoli!!!! This ONE is a life changer!!!!! If you're surrounded by negativity and can feel it, READ THIS!!!! They also have a children's book edition that I love!


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