What Makes a Champion?

“The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That’s what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they’ll go through the pain no matter what happens.” —Arnold Schwarzenegger

So often we shy away from the hard stuff. We take comfort in the comfort zone---duh. But do you know what lies on the other side of struggle? Success. Accomplishment. Pride. 

Champions aren't created in comfort zones. Muhammad Ali didnt walk in the boxing ring, do a little dance and walk away with a belt. He put in work BEFORE. He trained. He endured pain. He trained his body, his mind. Then he got in there and gave it all that he had. 

The same is true of most great successes. 

What you want is on the other side of fear, the other side of pain. 

As you approach your week, decide, are you willing to FIGHT and be a champion, or not. 

This applies to fitness, nutrition, career, relationships, finances...

Do you have what it takes? Can you SEE your success? Can you FEEL it? 

Believe you're a champion, then go out and conquer the hard stuff! 

What's new this week...

One Body <3 One Life virtual accountability group 
This group combines fitness, nutrition and accountability to get you on track with a healthy lifestyle. 

Coach Sneak Peek: How to Build a Fulfilling Online Health and Fitness Business
We're opening the (virtual) doors to Team Fit and Fulfilled to give you the inside scoop on what we do and why we love it so much! Join us Wednesday for an all day 'blitz' and Wednesday night at 8:30 PM EST for a live q/a


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