Sneak Peek Into Beachbody Coaching

beachbody coach, coaching opportunity, work from home, wahm, sahm, beachbody income, left teaching job for coaching

Building a business of my own was always a dream for me. To have something of my own, to be my own boss, to create the rules...I knew it was what I was meant for, but couldn't quite figure out how to make it happen. Until I heard about the coaching opportunity and it was like the stars aligned.

I get so many questions about my business and how I've been successful. I totally get it!! As soon as I heard about the opportunity, I wanted to know all the answers, so here it is!!! The down and dirty deets about building a business as an online health and fitness accountability coach!

Check out the videos below and get the answers to my most frequently asked questions! Take it at  your own pace and either email me or send me a message with any questions you have. Then, if this speaks to you, if you can see yourself as a coach, then I urge you to Join Team Fit and Fulfilled!

What does a Beachbody Coach do?
I'm so excited to share with you what we do as coaches! I honestly didn't know much of what I was getting into, but I knew that I wanted more, for me and for my family and I saw the potential that this business had to offer! So check out this video, then comment that you're 'done' and move onto the next video!

How do I create a customer base without being salesy?

Here are tips I shared with my new coaches for building their list of potential customers. I believe whole heartedly in these products so I SHARE that whenever I have the chance.

How do coaches make an income?
The biggest question when it comes to coaching is always this. How do you make money?
How does running challenge groups, posting on Facebook or IG, taking selfies produce an income. How does it even produce an income that could possibly replace a full time income?? It sound crazy and almost too good to be true! But as crazy as it sounds it really works. I am just your average everyday hot mess mom you would see running errands and not think twice. But with consistency, dedication and the power of the compound effect, you can make something that seems ordinary into something extraordinary!
Check out how you can do the same. Making your goal to hit success club, which is our rewards program, every month by helping 3 new people in a challenge group. Inviting people to join your team who are getting great results in your groups or people you would think would make great coaches.
Over time things come together and the compensation plan really does work for you!
Check this out to go over the details and don’t hesitate to ask questions below! Post below when you are done and ask more questions below!!!!

What is the new coach training and what can you expect?
When you sign up as a coach on Team Fit and Fulfilled, you'll enter our New Coach University  as well as our private team page. You'll have unlimited access to the top training resources in the organization. Post any questions you have. 

So maybe this coaching thing is for you, right?
By this point, you are probably leaning towards giving this business a shot! If so, check out this final video which will answer the rest of your questions 

I'm excited to be accepting new coaches to Team Fit and Fulfilled. You'll be personally mentored and support by me as your personal coach. In addition, you'll join our coaching family! You'll have 1:1 training and support, my 30 day New Coach University and access to all of my scripts and materials for launching your business and running groups. 
Taking a leap of faith and using this business as my vehicle toward freedom and flexibility for my family was single handedly, the best decision I made. I pour my heart into this business because it is my passion. Anyone who is driven an determined can take this business to the max by putting in the effort and applying the tools provided. 
Don't miss my next coach university training. Join now! 

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