Live Every Day Like It's Your Birthday

Happy Monday friend! 

Do you ever wake up from a good night's sleep and have an overwhelming sense of excitement? Like, something in your subconscious told you it's going to be a great day. 

This has happened to me before a vacation, after a great dream, when I had a great outfit planned for the day, a good meal planned, a workout to look forward to, or when it's my birthday.

So this got me to thinking, what if we live every day like it's your birthday!? 

On your birthday you've got this mile wide grin, as your approach people just waiting for them to give you best wishes. Your shoulders are back, your chest is held high. You embrace what's ahead while cherishing the years past. 

Today as you wake up and kick off a brand new week, keep that mindset. This is a week you've never lived before and one you'll never live again. Each moment, each breath, each task- easy and difficult, is unique. 

So take on each 'to do' with a feeling of pride, of confidence, and of excitement. 

Slap a smile on your face, stand up tall and proud, and go through the day with a happy dance playing in your mind. 

Celebrate, my friend. 

Happy Monday. 


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