A Day in the Life of a Beachbody Coach

So if you're anything like me, you may be wondering...what IS a beachbody coach anyway? Just a few short months ago, I heard about coaching for the first time from a friend who was doing T25 and having great results. I think I even said to my husband, "she has a coach..." in a tone that expressed my disinterest in having one myself.  A few minutes later I got a friend request from her coach...well low and behold, that coach, is now my coach...and shes AMAZING. So amazing that in very little time, watching her on facebook I became inspired to do what she does.

Fast forward...on February 10, I signed up to be a beachbody coaceach  most days. My colleagues, the students, and the parents, became family. But still, something was missing. So when my coach and I discussed what coaching was and she said, "you are your own boss, the CEO of your business!", I knew...this was my calling.  I truly feel that all of my angels were with me on February 10, helping me make this decision.
h. All my life I have always felt that I should own my own business. My father was an immigrant from Greece and although he passed away long before I had the chance to get to know him, I have always been so proud of his accomplishments.  He came to the United States with nothing. He was self educated and became a successful entrepreneur, owning many business including diners (insert Greek diner owner joke), laundromats, and even a hotel. I had always been inspired...but not knowing how or where to even begin, I became a teacher. I LOVE my job as a teacher. I was very fortunate to get a job right out of college in my dream district. I truly loved going to work

Okay, so this whole thing was very overwhelming at first. It's hard to find a balance between wanting the financial freedom that can come from coaching but also realizing the power you have to inspire others and help to change their lives.  Almost immediately, I had people interested in what I was doing and asking me to help them reach their goals....talk about amazing, give you goosebumps, stuff!

A little over a month later and here's what it looks like for me, a brand new coach...

Get up and workout
Drink shakeology
Post inspirational messages on facebook
Check in with my challengers (currently I have 11)
Check in with my team (#2 team in ALL of Beachbody)
Grayson wakes up

The rest of my day resumes and I get to spend it with my little baby boy. I check in on facebook throughout the day, answering messages, and helping challengers. After I put Grayson down at night and spend a little time with the hubs, I take an hour to work on my business...some nights there are team calls, others its just checking in, posting, and blogging.

From day one, I have known that this is for me. I remember saying to my husband in the beginning, I'm so excited about this I just want to shout it from the rooftops...corny? yes. true? absolutely :)

I can honestly say that this is something I think everyone should do...really! From the workouts, to shakeology, to coaching.

If you've ever thought of having a career change...
If you want to work from home...
If you love to work out...
If you're passionate about health...

Click here or contact me for more information.


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