Pre-Planning Healthy Snacks

Being busy can often lead to poor food choices if you aren't prepared. How many times have you found yourself at work, in the car, or out shopping and without a healthy snack? You don't have to resort to the vending machine or the drive thru! It just takes a little bit of planning and you can stay on track.

I spend about 20 minutes after my weekly grocery trip portioning out my snacks and precooking eggs and chicken to easily throw together when I'm on the go! The key to sustaining your energy and blood sugar all day long is to pair healthy complex carbs (fruits and veggies) with a protein (nuts, hummus, avocados, cottage cheese) at each meal.  This prevents the crash in blood sugar which can lead to binging! 

I sit down every Sunday and make my meal plan and grocery list, planning out my snacks and meals for the week. I put the plan on the fridge, prep my foods, and I'm set for the week. When I'm planning I like to scour the web for clean eating recipes. I try to add in a new recipe once I week because I tend to stick to the same foods. I prefer to keep my recipes simple. 

Here are my go to snacks:

  • 1 c. greek yogurt, berries, unsweetened coconut flakes
  • 12 cashews, strawberries
  • peppers, cucumbers and/or celery with hummus
  • grapes and string cheese
  • cottage cheese with steamed apples (chilled)
  • apple or banana with tbsp pb or pb2
  • apple or banana with 15 almonds
And of course, my FAVORITE meal of the day, Shakeology. I keep a packet in my car so when I'm in a bind I can add it to water, shake, and go! 

If you need any help planning out your snacks or meals, I'd love to help. Just email me @ or find me on facebook- Chrisanthi Finn



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