Summer Slim Down Challenge: T25 Accountability Group

Summer is quickly approaching after what seemed like an eternity of bitter cold winter months! You know what that means...warmer weather = less layers! Having had a baby in the middle of October, I was afraid that I'd be hiding under long sleeves this summer. After just coming home from the hospital, my hips were wider, my stomach softer, and everything was just bigger than before (I mean, I had grown a human for 9 months). As someone who LOVES the warm weather and sun, I knew I had to work my butt off if I wanted to enjoy my first summer with Grayson. 

So, in February I decided to use the little money I had to purchase T25 and Shakeology. I knew I had to commit or it wouldn't work...I waited a week to take my before pics because quite honestly, I strive for perfection and I knew that my pictures would be far less than perfect, but I also knew that they'd give me the push I needed. 
By day 30, I wasn't at my goal but I could see noticeable changes! My husband commented that there was less cellulite on my legs (thanks babe, ha). But truly, things were my living just 25 minutes a day. I was part of a challenge group and although I was working out alone each day (with Grayson watching on), I was part of a group of people going through the same thing as me, cheering me on along the way.  FINALLY! I found a way to have it all...I was getting my workout in, getting my adrenaline going, and not having to put my baby in some scuzzy gym daycare! 
I wanted to tell everyone, it is possible, it does work, I didn't use a magic pill...but I got magical results. 

So, I want to "pay it forward"! I want YOU to get the same results as ME! I'm hosting a SUMMER SLIM DOWN CHALLENGE because let's face it, everyone wants to be slim for the summer and I KNOW that with my guidance and support, combined with your commitment, you can make a change in your health. And I'm not just talking about looking fabulous at the beach, pool, or lake, I'm talking about lifestyle changes. 

I will make it my personal goal to help you succeed. I get it, we all have busy lives. I'm juggling the perils of being a new mom. I am at my baby's beck and call 24 hours a day but I know that I have to find the time for myself, I have to make my health a priority. I've done it, I continue to work at it everyday. I know the struggle and I want to help you get through yours.  I want to help you make changes for good. I want to share with you the tips and tricks that I've been taught, that I've discovered for myself. I want you to finish this challenge group and be able to pay it forward as well, to live a life in good health. 

So here's how it works...This month, T25 is on promotion which means you can get this AMAZINGLY EFFECTIVE program at a discounted price and save about $90 by purchasing a challenge pack. The results I've seen personally and from countless others speak volumes for this program. Yes, you can get great results in 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week, in the comfort of your own home! I love that this workout is great for many fitness levels. There are options to push yourself as well as great modifications for beginners. It makes sense that Beachbody chose this program for its March promotion because you'll have great results by the time summer arrives. As a part of the challenge group, you'll complete the workouts at home following Shaun T's schedule. 
Then you are committed to replacing one meal a day with Shakeology for the duration of the 60 day group. This is not your typical protein shake. It is the perfect blend of superfoods, vitamins, minerals, and protein with the proper carb to protein ratio to keep you full for 2 1/2 to 3 hours. And the kicker actually tastes good. I literally have not had anyone taste it that doesn't love it. (I may be responsible for some shakeo-holics). For me, shakeology just makes sense...bottom line. I always have good intentions of eating well but my mornings are hectic. I literally don't have time to get things in order and whip up a nutritious meal so I depend on shakeology to start my day off with a dense dose of nutrition. With one scoop, some ice, and water (and a few fun mix ins like pb2 or 1/2 a banana) and a quick whirl in the blender, I can have a nutritious meal. So, trust me, trust the process and at the end of our 10 week journey, you'll have the tools you need to plan nutritious meals and make smart choices, then you can decide whether or not to continue your shakeology...DEAL? 

So what do you get from a challenge group??? A challenge pack is an amazing deal. Not only do you get a workout program and a 30 day supply of shakeology, but you get ME! As a Beachbody coach, I'm at your disposal...I run challenge groups using a private facebook group. I add you to the group with other challengers who are also completing Beachbody workouts. You're all in it together and no one can read your posts except for those people also completing the challenge. We start off with a week of "pre-season" where we get ourselves ready before the official kick off.  We'll take our pics and measurements, set goals, and talk about meal planning. Each day I'll post to the group with tips, tricks, recipes, etc. to keep you on track. Each day you'll log in to the group, read the posts, and rate your own day: your workout, shakeology, and diet. There will be ups and downs, days that you want to quit, you feel discouraged but that's where I come in! I'm there to help you along your way so that this doesn't become another program that collects dust on your shelf! 

So...Are you ready? April 21st starts day 1 of workouts! If you are ready to make the change, to challenge yourself, fill out the application below to be considered for one of the spots in the Summer Slim Down Challenge Group! 

Now is the time! Make the commitment to your health! You deserve to be at your best. I believe in you! 

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