Back to School, Back to You

Celebrating the unofficial end of summer took up most of my time this weekend.

We enjoyed time with friends, Grayson's first parade, his first TOOTH, and some QT at home today.

Our schedule was a bit off but I made sure to sit down tonight and write out my meal plan. I knew I'd be busy all weekend so I sketched it out on my notes app, went grocery shopping, prepped, and finally wrote it all out!

I've committed to myself to step up my nutrition this month.

I know that planning is KEY!

Click here for my meal plan

I've decided to take on a part time teaching position, which means that 2 days a week I'll be leaving my house early, dropping Grayson to the sitter, and spending my day in a school.

So I sat down and planned accordingly.

My food is prepped and portioned
-grilled chicken
-sliced veggies
-portioned hummus
-bagged cashews
-cut up fruit

I planned my dinners so that they would be easy to prepare on the days I work and my lunches and snacks are easy to transport.

My game plan is to wake up at 5 to do my workout, get ready from 5:30-6, play with Grayson, make my shakeology, and head out the door by 7!

I know the first few tries won't be perfect, but I've got a plan.

I also know that if I am running late, the first thing to go will be my workout but luckily, I have the support of my challenge groups and accountability partner to keep me in check! So I will be sure to get it in!!

Do you need help getting your plan started? Fill out this application to join my next challenge group!

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