Tony Does It Again: P90 DELIVERS RESULTS!

My very first experience with Beachbody was a few months before my wedding. I was out of shape and wanted to change something before walking down the aisle.

Ryan and I decided we'd take 90 days, do P90X, get in amazing shape, and wow our guests when we tied the knot.  Well, things didn't go as planned.  We were committed for a few days, but before long, the workouts were just too long and we lost our motivation. 

I still wish we had finished P90X, it was a great program and we had fun working out together. 

p90, its your turn, workout, results, home workout, beachbody, clean eating, fitness

So when I heard about the launch of this BRAND NEW P90 program, I was ECSTATIC!!! 

Tony Horton, the creator of Power 90, P90X, P90X2, and P90X3, is back at it again with P90. 

He realized that there are many people out there, like me, who wanted so badly to get the results that his programs can deliver, but just couldn't HANG with P90X! So, he went back to the drawing board, and P90 was born!

So what is P90? 
P90 is a gateway to getting fit regardless of age or fitness level!  Legendary trainer Tony Horton has now created shorter workouts that are simple, doable, and less extreme than his others, but still just as effective.  If a customer hasn't worked out in a decade, or is just looking to maintain what they've got, P90 opens the door for them to see dramatic, visible results in just 90 days-without the pain!  This is the 90-day body transformation for EVERYONE.

p90, its your turn, workout, results, home workout, beachbody, clean eating, fitness

What are the workouts like?

The workouts are set up in 3 phases, A, B, and C which helps you increase stamina and strength as you move through the 90 days. The first phase workouts are 25 minutes. In the next two phases they increase by a few minutes with nothing longer than 42 minutes.  You complete 1 workouts a day, 6 days a week, for 90 days. 

SCUPLT AGets your body ready to get strong.
SWEAT AMelts that fat that's been holding you back.
AB RIPPER AAdds power and definition to your core.
SCUPLT BBuilds endurance and lean-muscle growth.
SWEAT BCranks the calorie burn even higher.
AB RIPPER BCarves slimmer, rock-hard abs.
SCUPLT CDefines your body and puts results into overdrive.
SWEAT CBurns fat and tests endurance like never before.
AB RIPPER CPuts the final touches on your lean, sexy six-pack.
SATURDAY SPECIALA superefficient, high-velocity sweat-fest that will help you get your weekend
workout done-and done right-in a hurry.
SPEED SCULPTShake up your routine and burn off calories with this quick resistance workout!
SPEED SWEATA quick cardio routine designed to melt away more fat in less time.
SPEED ABSQuickly tone and strengthen your core with 5 of Tony's favorite ab moves.

So how do I get results?
One thing I know from both my failures and successes with Beachbody workouts, is that people (myself included) are MOST SUCCESSFUL when they are part of a challenge group! The reason I failed at P90X the first time was largely due to the fact that I didn't have a community of support! 

Being a part of a challenge group gives you 1 on 1, and small group support to stay on track and reach your goals.

beachbody, p90, your turn, workout, home workout, results, fitness

Who is this workout for?
This workout is for YOU if:
  • You don't want a hardcore workout but you want to lose weight.
  • You want to get back some of the muscle tone you have lost over the years.
  • You want to just get out of bed in the morning without a backache.
  • If you are just someone who wants to be in good health, get regular exercise and feel strong then this could be the workout for you.

So how do I get started?
We are SO excited about the launch of P90 that a few things are happening:
  • challenge pack promo pricing
  • exclusive TEST GROUP starting October 6
  • Beachbody $5 donation to the Wounded Warrior Project for every challenge pack sale 
The first thing you'll need to do is create a FREE ACCOUNT with ME as your coach
Then, you'll purchase a CHALLENGE PACK: workouts, nutrition plan, free gifts, 30 day club membership. 30 day supply of shakeology, and ME! 
Once you've done that I'll plug you into our PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP for daily motivation, support, and accountability. 

p90, its your turn, workout, results, home workout, beachbody, clean eating, fitness

Are you ready for YOUR before and after? 

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.


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