Get Off Your Butt!!! Top Tips for Workout Motivation

workout motivation, exercise, t25, 21 day fix, lose weight, results, baby weight

By now we know that working out is one of the key factors to overall health.     
  • I don't have time
  • I don't have space
  • I can't find the motivation
  • I'm not in good enough shape
  • I'm too tired
workout motivation, exercise, t25, 21 day fix, lose weight, results, baby weight

The excuses pile up! I've heard them all, heck, I've given them all!! But something changed for me...I realized that when I work out, I FEEL better. When I make the time for a workout, I have more energy. If I workout, I make better food choices.  And possibly, most importantly, working out makes me HAPPY! Gotta love those endorphins. 

workout motivation, exercise, t25, 21 day fix, lose weight, results, baby weight

So I decided to DITCH the excuses, GET OFF MY BUTT (which is now smaller), and WORKOUT!!!

So here are the tips that work for me everyday. 

1. Schedule your workout----If you have a doctor's appointment or a lunch date with a friend, do you cancel? No! It's RUDE! So don't cancel on your workout...Heck, you can even name your workout. Go to the gym? Pop it in your calendar, you have a date with Gym (read: Jim) at 6 am. Workout to a DVD like me? Schedule your appointment using your trainer's name. 5:00 workout with Shaun T (I'm totally not canceling on HIM!)

workout motivation, exercise, t25, 21 day fix, lose weight, results, baby weight

2. Keep your workout clothes in a place where they are easily accessible and seen!-----Do you workout in the morning? Lay your clothes out the night before...better yet, SLEEP in them! Put your sneakers at your bedside. 

workout motivation, exercise, t25, 21 day fix, lose weight, results, baby weight

3. Keep your equipment out.---- I have a space designated in my basement for my workouts. I keep my jump mat rolled out, my weights by the TV and I pop the DVD in the player the night before. That way when I make my way downstairs, I just have to PRESS PLAY! It's pretty mindless! 

workout motivation, exercise, t25, 21 day fix, lose weight, results, baby weight

4. Motivational quotes------- One of the things I love about Shaun T's T25 videos and Autumn Calabrese's 21 Day Fix videos is the little motivational saying they say throughout. Autumn is famous for saying things like "How bad do you want it?" and "Give me all you've got, and then a little bit more." So these are things I repeat to myself. I've also named my cell phone alarm "How bad do you want it" and "Get up and workout" so that when they pop up, I see the message and I'm less tempted to hit snooze!  You can post these on your bathroom mirror, make them the background on your phone, tape them to your fridge..whatever! 

workout motivation, exercise, t25, 21 day fix, lose weight, results, baby weight

5. Post your workouts on Facebook!-----OK, you see me post my workout pics or quotes EVERY SINGLE DAY that I workout (usually 6 days a week). Why do I do that??? FOR ME!!! Truly, I post my workout to Facebook as a way of keeping myself accountable. In my mind, people are looking at me for motivation so I feel obligated to keep going for them...and when I miss a workout, I know I have friends who will call me out on it! So by posting daily, I'm holding myself responsible for getting my workout in! Plus it's always uplifting to have people congratulate you on being devoted. 

workout motivation, exercise, t25, 21 day fix, lose weight, results, baby weight

6. Plug into a network----for me, joining a beachbody challenge group was really a game changer for me. Having a community to plug into for daily motivation, tips, and encouragement is what holds me accountable. Checking in daily to rate my workout gives me a forum for reporting back, the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

workout motivation, exercise, t25, 21 day fix, lose weight, results, baby weight

7. Reward yourself----Let's face it, we are busy people and if we let the excuses pile up, we could stray from a routine. So when you start to make exercise a habit, reward yourself! Make a points system, workout for 21 straight a cute workout headband or tank top. For me, new workout clothes are such a motivator, when I have a cute outfit or really comfy pants, I feel extra motivated!

workout motivation, exercise, t25, 21 day fix, lose weight, results, baby weight

8. Track your progress----There are tons of cool fitness gadgets out there. Nike Flex, Polar Fit, Jawbone, FitBit...These are great ways to track your workouts and set goals. Set a goal for how many calories you can burn or how many steps you take. Have a competition with yourself. 

Alright, so, GET OFF YOUR BUTT!!! Pick a few tips or follow them all. Come up with a plan. 

For me, accountability is KEY!! Beachbody challenge groups have CHANGED MY LIFE! I am in better shape than I've ever been before (and that's after having a baby) and I truly believe it's all because of the first group I joined. 

If you're looking for accountability, join my upcoming challenge group by filling out the application below. The requirements are you purchase a challenge pack and have ME as your coach!!! 

Fill out my online form.
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  1. A simple workout at home can build you a strong body, thanks for providing info about how to work out at home


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