A Sunday Well Spent, Brings a Week of Content

meal planning, meal prep, whats for dinner, sunday prep, clean eating, weight loss

In the past year my Sunday mindset has done a MAJOR shift.

When I decided to adopt a clean eating lifestyle and make my health and nutrition a priority, I started meal planning and prep on Sundays.

meal planning, meal prep, whats for dinner, sunday prep, clean eating, weight lossThere are times that I dread it (still) but putting time aside on Sunday to plan out my meals for the week eliminates SO MUCH stress that comes with the dreaded "What's for dinner?" question.

When I started the 21 Day Fix, I was so excited because it took the guess work out of meal planning for me. No matter what workout program I'm following (currently Insanity Max 30), I always maintain the principles of balanced eating I learned from the Fix.

Today I sat down and looked through Pinterest, my favorite blogs, and my Max 30 and Fix meal guides to come up with my list of meals. I keep a running list of the lunches, dinners, and snacks I choose so I can rotate them throughout the month. Breakfast is a no-brainer, because it's always Shakeology.  I put my meals into a google sheets template, make my grocery list, and get on with my day.

If you aren't currently sitting down to plan out your meals, I highly suggest you try it! You can keep it as simple or detailed as you like and I always allow myself some flexibility. But having a plan, makes life so much easier!

This is just one of the things that we talk about in my Health and Fitness Accountability Groups.  Sharing our meal plans and recipes helps to keep us on track!

Here's the link to my meal plan for this week. Take a look and feel free to use what you need. You'll find that the meals are color coded to coordinate with the containers used on the 21 Day Fix and Insanity Max 30.


meal planning, meal prep, whats for dinner, sunday prep, clean eating, weight loss

If you'd like more support in your health and fitness journey, I encourage you to join my Accountability Group by filling out the application below or reach out to me @fitandfulfilled@gmail.com for more information.

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