Rocking the Bump: working out while pregnant

So I realized today that it has been a while since I posted about my journey through working out while pregnant!

When I was pregnant that first time I was always googling looking for pregnant mamas rocking their bump while working out, for inspiration.

So here goes....

As of tomorrow I'll be 23 weeks along with my baby girl. Overall, I feel The first few weeks were a little rough compared to when I was pregnant with Grayson. I was tired and cranky and unmotivated. But I did my best to stay as active as I could because I knew it would pay off in the long run, and it sure has.

What workout am I doing?
So when I first found out I was pregnant, I was in the middle of T25 Gamma. I stuck it out and continued because I wanted to finish the round. From there, I alternated T25, the 21 Day Fix, and PiYO based on my mood and how I felt that day.

But then.. Insanity Max 30 was being released, and being the fitness junkie that I am, I HAD to have it! I knew it would be a challenge physically AND mentally. But I love Shaun T and didn't want to miss out.

So, fast forward and I'm 6 weeks into the program.

How am I keeping up?
My doctor gave me the OK to continue working out. Her biggest piece of advice was to listen to my body and to keep my heart rate between 140 and 150.

So for Christmas, my husband gave me the Polar FT 4 so that I could keep myself in check. Because I was in shape and working out daily before being pregnant, I really need the HR monitor to remind me when I'm pushing too hard.

As for the workout itself, Insanity Max 30 is INTENSE! Shaun T doesn't mess around.
The workouts are 30 minutes each and the premise of the MAX in Max 30 is that he wants you to go as hard as you can until you max out and need to take a break.

pregnancy workout, workout while pregnant, insanity max 30, fit mom, pregnantThe good news for me is that this program is set up with an AWESOME modifier, there's even an option on the home screen to follow the modifier track so that theres a split screen view and the
modifier can be seen at all times.

This has been my saving grace! When I'm feeling good, I push myself and do the regular moves, but for the most part, I follow the modifier, and always keep my HR between 140 and 150.

Even while doing this, I burn anywhere between 225 and 275 calories in 30 minutes! Pretty awesome!

The challenges
Although the modifier gives you low impact options, there are still some moves I have to skip out those laying on my back or belly, and most ab stuff aside from planks. For times like that, I do a similar move or pick up my weights and do an alternate move.

The nutrition
Max 30 incorporates a really great meal plan, much like the one used on the 21 day fix. I've been able to follow it and bump up a calorie bracket to compensate for my pregnancy. It has really kept me in check as far as portions and balance....of course, I haven't been perfect and I've had cravings, which I did not have during my first pregnancy. But hey, I can't be too hard on myself, thats what postpartum is for :) result
One of the main reasons I love working out is that aside from the physical results seen on the outside, working out keeps me SANE and grounded! My workouts also keep me focused and energized. I
choose to workout at 5 am before Grayson wakes up and the craziness starts and it makes a huge difference! So while I'm not going to have a 6 pack (yet) from this program, the results are my energy level, my fitness, an easier delivery, the ability to keep up with my 15 month old, and my SANITY (which is questionable these days, haha).

While I am NOT a trainer, nutritionist, or physician, I am someone who is fully committed to a healthy lifestyle. I can only speak from my own experience and the advice my physician gives me along the way.

But I hope to inspire others to stay in shape before, during, and after pregnancy or whatever life throws your way!

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