3 Day Refresh Review

3 Day Refresh Review and Results

Well, if you were wondering how Beachbody came up with the name for their new cleanse product...I have the answer! Refresh is a no brainer, as I was searching for the words to describe how I feel after finishing the cleanse, REFRESHED is the one that keeps coming to mind. 

So this is my candid review of this BRAND NEW PROGRAM

I started the refresh on Monday, which was perfect timing considering we had my son's baptism on Sunday and I definitely indulged in cake AND ice cream! 

When I first received my 3 Day Refresh in the mail I was impressed with the packaging! It was sleek, organized, and thorough. 

clean eating, 3 day refresh results, weight loss

There are 3 slots, one for each day, containing 1 packet of shakeology, 1 fiber sweep, and 2 vanilla fresh packets. It also comes with a program guide. 

The program guide was really helpful because it gives you a planner for each day. I used it to fill in my food choices (yes, a cleanse that allows you to eat!) and track the times that I ate so I stayed focused.  

In the program guide you'll also find a list of vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats to choose from for you lunch and snack.  

In addition, you'll find dinner recipes.  I really loved these.  I tend to follow a very simple (er, boring) meal plan and these recipes were simple, but allowed me to explore new flavors and techniques. I tend to throw my veggies in the oven or in a sauté pan with coconut oil spray and call it a day, but this gave me some techniques that were super simple and very flavorful and...you guessed it...REFRESHing! 

I really enjoyed the lemony green beans and the stir fry vegetables.  

So here's what the 3 days looked like for me

Day 1: 
clean eating, 3 day refresh results, weight loss water upon waking

chocolate vegan shakeology
1/2 banana

Green Tea

Fiber Sweep (In my HONEST opinion, this was GROSS! I literally added it to 8 oz of water and chugged! But, I knew it was basically 'scrubbing my insides' so I suffered through it each day)

Vanilla Fresh (this was DELISH! I added a dash of cinnamon, YUM)
clean eating, 3 day refresh results, weight loss peach
Day 1- avocado/tomato salad
Day 2- celery/almond butter
Day 3- peppers/hummus
clean eating, 3 day refresh results, weight loss

clean eating, 3 day refresh results, weight loss

clean eating, 3 day refresh results, weight loss
Afternoon Snack
Day 1- celery/almond butter
Day 2- tomato/avocado
Day 3- tomatoes/hummus

Vanilla Fresh
Day 1- kale salad (kale, tomato, pine nuts, peppers, cucumber, olive oil, lemon juice)
Day 3- stir fry veggies 

The results are in...

So after 3 days I felt lighter, energized, and refreshed. I have awakened my desire to eat clean. 
clean eating, 3 day refresh results, weight loss
In 3 days I lost 4.5 lbs and 2 inches in my waist alone! I definitely got rid of a lot of the bloat I had been carrying around as a result of my poor eating choices. 

To ensure that I mainain my results I'm going to be running a 30 day clean eating and shakeology group. 

If you are interested in the participating in my upcoming accountability group, please fill out the form below.  

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