PiYO Week 2 Update

PiYO Week 2

I cannot believe that I have been doing this program for over 2 weeks! I'm loving every minute of it! Its such a different workout than I'm used to. I really think that its going to give me the lean look that I'm wanting at this point in my journey. I'm basically at my goal weight (are we ever?) so now I'm just looking to tone and lengthen. 

This week the schedule adds in a new workout, "Core" and I really enjoyed this one. I really like to work my abs, especially after having Grayson.  I've never had a defined stomach so this is a challenge that I've fully accepted! I WILL have visible abs! 

Although I know, abs are made in the kitchen so it's important that I keep my meal plan in check.  As I've said before, I sit down on Sundays and plan out my meals, grocery shop, and prep. This really helps me stay on track. 

Since the PiYO workouts don't burn a killer amount of calories, like I was used to with T25, its very important to stick to the meal plan that is provided. Its still a good amount of food, I'm not starving, but I know to stay with my portions.  

This program helped me get through the holiday weekend and I honestly didn't have trouble sticking with it. I looked forward to my workouts each day. On Friday I did my workout at the lakehouse and on Saturday my friend was in from out of town and I got her to do the "sweat" workout with me! She even sent me a text the next day about how sore she was, she couldn't believe it! 

Here is a look at my meal plan for the week. I recently purchased the "vegetti" spiralizer tool for $15 and I'm loving the way it changes up my side dishes!  I'm also really enjoying playing around with the vanilla shakeology since I typically order chocolate! 

If you are interested in PiYO and would like to be a part of my next accountability group, fill out the application below. 

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