Tips for Surviving Summer Barbeques

4th of july, clean eating, holiday, weight loss, beachbody

I love the 4th of July

Growing up it meant huge parties, lots of fun, and of course...lots of food! 
Well, this weekend I'm headed to a barbeque, but I'm going to do my best to survive without conpletely derailing my clean eating plan! 

I've done a little thinking ahead and here are some of my tips: 

Prep! I always say preparation is key, and it definitely is in this case. 

1. Start your day with a workout. Dont schedule your rest day on a holiday. Chances are you'll have a cheat meal so you want to so your best to fire up your body! 

4th of july, clean eating, holiday, weight loss, beachbody2. Eat before you go. If you go to a party hungry, chances are you'll make poor choices and find yourself stationed by the bowl of chips. I start with shakeology to be sure I'm getting the best meal of the day in right away. Then I eat my snacks and meals as I normally would. This really saves me! The party is the event, not the food. 

3. Bring a dish. If you're heading to someone else's house offer to bring a dish. If appetizers are the thing you tend to find to be your weakness, bring one! That way you know that you are eating healthy.

4th of july, clean eating, holiday, weight loss, beachbody4th of july, clean eating, holiday, weight loss, beachbody

4. Mind your portions. You work hard all week to eat clean and watch your portions. Dont overload your plate. Treat this as a meal like any other. Fuel for your body! 

5. Allow yourself a cheat. If you know that you won't be able to resist having a cocktail, allow it, love Aunt Karen's bean dip, have it! But choose ONE cheat, portion it out, enjoy it, and move on! 

4th of july, clean eating, holiday, weight loss, beachbody

6. Stay hydrated. Remember you want to drink at least half your body weight in ounces. If you're out in the heat, you'll need to drink even more. Plus, staying hydrated will prevent mindless muching. 

Okay, those are the things that work for me! 

Have a fantastic 4th of July!!

Want more tips? Sign up for a FREE beachbody account and I will be your coach! 


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