Summer Cookout Survival: Clean Eating Style

Growing up in a New Jersey beach town, Memorial Day was a big deal...the start of summer.  The weekend would kick off with the town parade and would be followed by bbqs, pool parties, and trips to the beach. Now, although I no longer live near the beach I still have such excitement starting off this weekend! Much the same, minus the beach. 

Since I work hard to follow a clean eating lifestyle, I wanted to do some planning and preparation to ensure that I stay on track rather than getting derailed by putting the wrong things on my plate! 

Before the bbq:

As with any event, I have a few go to tips that I always follow before it begins

1. hydrate: water is your friend! Especially during the hot weather. When you head to a bbq you will undoubtedly be in the warm weather, standing on your feet chatting. Be sure to hydrate well before going and continue drinking water throughout the day.  Keeping a bottle of water in your hand may also help to keep you from mindlessly reaching into that bowl of chips

2. eat before you go: if you are heading out to a friend's house, pool club, beach club, or even hosting, be sure to make healthy choices and eat before you the bbq begins.  So many times we'll hold off on eating thinking we'll save up for the calories we'll consume...bad idea. You'll just end up showing up to the party feeling "hangry" and you'll likely make poor choices. I always like to drink my shakeology in the car on the way to an event if I have a long ride, or at least drink it before heading out. That way I know I've gotten in as many nutrients as possible. 

3. offer to bring a dish: heading to a friend's house? offer to bring a side dish, appetizer, or dessert. That way you know exactly how your dish was prepared and you can even introduce others to your healthy choices! If you are hosting...even better!!

During the event:

1. Only fill your plate once...and use a plate! How many times do we get to chatting, start reaching for the chips and dip, and not even realize how much we're eating! I'm guilty of this, big time.  Instead of mindlessly noshing on those goodies, put them on a plate. That way you see exactly what you have in front of you and you can control your portions.  When it comes time for the main meal, put it on a plate. 

2. Choose wisely! You know those creamy, mayonnaise laden salads that always make their way to the party (who invited them anyway!)....just say no!!! (see  my suggestion below). Instead load up on any veggie option you can find (don't drown your corn in butter). When it comes to choosing meat, opt for chicken, fish, or even a burger. 

3. Water, water, water....yes, I said it again. It's the secret sauce. It will be your friend: keeping you from overeating, keeping you from retaining water (seems backwards), keeping you from one too many brewskies, glasses of wine, or dare I say...sugary sangria. I'm not saying you can't enjoy yourself, it is a party, but again, in moderation, and choose wisely! 

Okay, so here are some alternatives when it comes to food. Whether you're hosting or bringing a dish. I'm going to try a few of these myself so I will update after this weekend. 

Instead of traditional potato salad, one of my favorite is my mom's German potato salad. 
1 pound potatoes, boiled and cubed
1/2 red onion diced
3 cups of green beans, blanched
white or red wine vinegar to taste
a bit of sea salt
cherry tomatoes (optional)

Having a burger? Place it on a bed of lettuce instead of having the bun.

Dessert? Grilled up some fruit kabobs and serve with greek yogurt for dipping. 

When I was searching for recipes I came across a great blog, Nutritionist in the Kitchen. She has AMAZING bbq suggestions that I can't wait to try. 

One thing that jumped out at me was her Grilled Peach and Goat Cheese Salad....need I say more??

And how cute are these Tropical Chicken Grilled Pita Pizzas?

Okay, we are armed and ready...bring on the weekend! 

I'll post back with what I was able to do. I'd love to hear from you as well! 



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