What is a beachbody challenge group anyway?!

So by now you have seen my posts about the challenge groups I run...but do you ever scroll through my feed and ask yourself, "what IS this challenge group?"

A few short months ago, I would have been asking myself the same question...LUCKILY, I now know the answer and it changed my life.

What a challenge group is....

  • support
  • accountability
  • motivation
  • camaraderie 

Every few weeks I kick off a challenge group.  A challenge group is a closed private Facebook group.  When you become a customer of mine and purchase a challenge pack* I add you to this group.  Only the members of the group can see what is posted in the group which makes it nice because EVERYONE is going through it all together.

As a part of my challenge group you get 3 things...the program you choose (along with my help), a 30 day supply of Shakeology (my saving grace), and ME! Seriously, haha, you get me, as your coach, your guide by your side to help you through your journey.

Once the group kicks off you commit to being present in the group.  That means, for 60 days you complete your workouts, replace one meal a day with shakeology (to give your body 1 meal that is supercharged with ingredients to give you natural energy), and to check in each day to rate your workouts and eating.

Throughout the course of the group I teach you to plan the other meals of the day.  I will help you create a customized meal plan, give you recipes, snack ideas, tips, motivation, and keep you ACCOUNTABLE!

Every day I post in the challenge group your daily mindset tip or post. You check in and rate your day and read what is posted.

We all keep each other accountable.

I can tell you from my experience as a challenger first, and now as a coach, when you dedicate yourself to the group each and every day, you will have success in achieving your goals.

Here is a quick video explaining it with more detail...

Are you ready for a change?

Fill out the application below to be a part of my next challenge group...Spaces limited

Fill out my online form.
There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.


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